-------------------------------------------------------------------- PhD, Biomedical Genetics; Hartmut Land Lab, University of Rochester, 2023 (thesis info)
MS, Biomedical Genetics; University of Rochester, 2018
BS, Biomedical Engineering; University of Rochester, 2010
- Graduate Instructor/Curriculum Developer; IND426: Science Communication and Visual Design for Diverse Audiences, University of Rochester, 2018-2020
Talks, Presentations, and Workshops
- Scientific Posters, AS&E Pre-symposium Poster Workshop, University of Rochester, March 1, 2022
- Scientific Posters, AS&E Pre-symposium Poster Workshop, University of Rochester, March 4, 2020
- Posters and Graphical Abstracts, Brockport College Summer Undergraduate Research Program, June 25, 2019
- Visual Communication in Science, Xerox Engineering Research Fellows Professional Development Series, June 3, 2019
- Visual SciComm for Manuscript Writing,University of Rochester, April 19, 2019
- The Medium is Still A Massage; Visual Strategies for Science Communication, Syracuse University, February 26, 2019
- Nonviolent Communication to Overcome the Deficit Model of Science Communication?, URBEST Retreat Pecha Kucha Series, Sept. 13, 2018
- Visual Communication in Science, Xerox Engineering Research Fellows Professional Development Series, July 2, 2018
- Visual Communication – Strategies and Ethical Considerations, Office for Human Subject Protection, Achieving High Quality in Clinical Research Series, May 3, 2018
- Better Science Communication Through Improv, IND 426: Science Communication for Diverse Audiences, University of Rochester, May 2, 2018
- Improv for Professors: Unlock Your Presentation Skills; Rochester Institute of Technology, September 18, 2017
- Better Science Communication Through Improv, IND 426: Science Communication for Diverse Audiences, University of Rochester, March 10, 2017
- Wood Type, Again - Create Upstate, 2014
- Everyone is Making it Up - Pecha Kucha at Visual Studies Workshop, 2013
- The Imagined Physiology of Typography - Nerd Nite, Vertias Wine Bar, 2013
Conferences and Training
- Train the Trainer Program for Affiliates; Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science, 2016
- ComSciCon - Cornell, 2016
- Presenting Data and Information: A one-day course taught by Edward Tufte, 2016
Mentions and Citations
- #butterposter on Twitter
- Baer, K. (2021). Information Design Workbook, Revised and Updated: Graphic approaches, solutions, and inspiration + 30 case studies (2nd ed.). Rockport Publishers.
- Andrea L Gray, PharmD, Celia W Curtis, PharmD, McKenzie R Young, PharmD, Kaitlyn K Bryson, PharmD, BCOP, Innovative poster designs: A shift toward visual representation of data, American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, Volume 79, Issue 8, 15 April 2022, Pages 625–628, https://doi.org/10.1093/ajhp/zxac002
- Mentioned in Forbes’ A Graphic Design Revolution For Scientific Conference Posters, 2019
- Poster and Presentation Resources; University of North Carolina Graduate School
- Less is more! Resources for an eye-catching conference poster; Anneke Lincoln Schoeman, June 23, 2021
- Bloomberg Center for Government Excellence at Johns Hopkins University; Quantitative Analyst, 2023 - Present
- Joe’s Big Idea/NPR Scicommers; #Visual SciComm Slack Channel Community Moderator, 2018-2021
- Kim Baer Design; Scientific Poster Designer, 2021
- Press Villains Design; Designer, Art Director, 2010-present
- Smooth Stone Design; Designer & Front-end Developer, 2012-2015
- Virgin Wood Type; Co-founder, Type Cutter, Trimmer, Designer, Pattern-Maker, 2012-2014
- UR Dept. of Art and Art History/Sage Art Center; Department Assistant, 2012-2014
- Freshwise Farms; Farm Education Coordinator, 2010-2012
- AmeriCORPS VISTA at Foodlink NY; 2010-2011
- Chroma Technology Corp.; Application Science Intern, 2009-2010
Design and Art Exhibitions
- Typeforce 5, 2014
- Genesee Center Calendar, 2013
- Spokes and Ink, 2013
- Man vs. Machine, 2013
- The City is Asleep and Dreaming, 2013
- Genesee Center Calendar, 2012
- Spokes and Ink, 2012
- Better Yesterday - UR Staff and Faculty Show, 2012
- Schmopposites and Contrafrictionisms, 2011
- Art Awake, 2010 (Yawn Dynamics)
- Art Awake, 2009
Organizations and Clubs
- RESTORE Sexual Assault Services of Rochester; Volunteer Advocate, 2018-2023
- Thinkers & Drinkers: Co-Founder, Organizer, Designer; University of Rochester, 2016-2023
- In Between the Lines Improv Comedy Troupe, University of Rochester, 2008-2010
- e5 (formerly KEY) Scholar, University of Rochester
- Golden Key International Honor Society, University of Rochester
- Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society, University of Rochester
- US NROTC and Air Force ROTC Scholarships
- Eagle Scout, Troop 47, Pendleton, NY